Carol Wang
Contains: Skills, Publications, Multimedia Publications
and Exhibits, Web Sites, Education, Work Experience, Co-op Work Experience, Teaching
Experience, Volunteer Work Experience, Activities and Interests
- Languages:
- Perl, C, C++, LaTeX, Pascal, FORTRAN, Lisp, BASIC, Icon
- Internet Applications, Protocols, and Tools:
- HTML, XHTML, XML, XSL, CGI, FTP, telnet, SMTP, analog, CSS,
excite for web servers, web server software
- Desktop Publishing and Typesetting
- AMS LaTeX, LaTeX, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Gimp,
Corel Painter
- Graphics Applications:
- GL, Rayshade, RenderMan, Inventor, Open GL
- Math Applications:
- GNU Calc, GNUplot, Maple, Mathematica, SAS
- Databases:
- Postgres SQL, GDBM, MySQL, DBase, Faircom, Paradox, Paradox
- Hardware:
- Intel PC, Apple Macintosh, Silicon Graphics, SUN, DEC
Alpha, IBM mainframes, IBM workstations, NeXT, VAX 7xx
- Other Hardware:
- Audio systems, CD-ROM, Film Recorders, Motion Capture Devices,
Nonlinear Video Editing, Optical Scanners, 3D Input Devices,
Video Capture, Video Recorders, most data storage devices and
- Operating Systems:
- Apple A/UX, BeOS, AIX, IBM, IRIX, Linux, Mac Finder, MS DOS,
MVS/TSO, NextStep, Plato, SunOS, UNIX, VAX VMS, VM/CMS, Windows
- Other Skills:
- Animation, Conversational Mandarin, Drivers License
"Computer Implementation of a Series Solution for Constant Coefficient
Ordinary Differential Equations" in Computers
Math. Applic., Vol. 31, No. 3, 1996, pp. 43-60.
"Langwidere: A New Facial Animation System" In Proceedings of
Computer Animation 1994, pages 59-68, Geneva, Switzerland, May
25-28, 1994.
A Hierarchical Spline Based Facial Animation System with Simulated
Muscles Master's thesis, University of Calgary, October
Want a Rock!" In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Western
Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 38-40, Silver Star Mountain,
Vernon, BC, March 28-30, 1993.
Heads: Developing Pull" In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual
Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 114-119, Silver Star
Mountain, Vernon, BC, March 28-30, 1993.
Trends in Facial Animation, or Langwidere: Not Just Another
Witch." In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Western Computer
Graphics Symposium, pages 103-108, Sunshine Village, Banff, AB,
April 6-8 1992.
Facial Gestures and Synthesized Speech in Human Character
Animation." In Proceedings of the Third Annual Western
Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 39-40, Silver Star Resort,
Vernon, BC, April 8-10 1991.
"Evolution of the Long-Tailed Bird" with sound by Stephen Hansen Smythe.
A short film illustrating the development of the Chinese character for
bird from an image to the modern ideograph.
- Screening at the Metro Cinema, Edmonton, AB, May 7-8 1993.
- Screening hosted by the Film and Video Arts Society
(fava) of Edmonton during
the "Cowtown Showdown" film festival, January 21, 1993.
- Alliance members' screening by the Independent Film and Video
Alliance at the Mediatheque festival held at the Musée
d'Art contemporain de Montréal, September 22-26, 1992.
"Knot on a Table" with Brian Wyvill. The Visual Computer,
7(2-3):Cover illustration, May 1991.
Content and Coding Author
Site Creation or Installation and Maintenance
- Professional:
Mar 2003 - Kalef
Consulting - Designing Effective Training Programs
Feb 2003 - Kalef
Consulting - Training Delivery Skills - Level 1
1994 - SIGGRAPH Character Animation Systems Course
- Academic:
1994 - University of Calgary -
Master of Science Computer
1990 - University of
Regina - Bachelor of Science, Honours Co-op combined degree
in Computer Science and Mathematics
- Other:
2002 - Makiko
Tada - San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival Kumihimo
1994 - Quickdraw Animation Society Intermediate Adult Animation
1993 - Quickdraw Animation Society Beginner Adult Animation
- 2000-Present Chief Technology Officer
Elegant Solutions
Vancouver, BC
- System prototyping, office management and administration,
human resource management, light systems administration,
XML/XSL coding, and Perl programming.
- 1999-Present Consultant
Vancouver, BC
- Site design and maintenance, Java programming, CGI coding,
host selection and installation.
- 1996-1999 Technical Director
Entertainment Vancouver, BC
- Designed and implemented corporate intranet. Deployed
corporate Internet presence. Specified and assisted in
firewall deployment. Set up inter-office VPN. Technical lead
and administrator of a team with up to 8 members.
- 1995-1996 Webmaster Cyberion Networking
Corp. Vancouver, BC
- Installed, configured, and maintained Apache 1.1.1, Apache
1.1b1, NCSA httpd 1.4 and 1.5, Netscape Netsite 1.1 and
Communications Server on DEC Alpha, Sun Sparc 5, 20 and Netra on
SUN Sparc 5 and 20. Configured and administered multiple virtual
Installed and authored custom web sites for business customers.
Wrote custom CGI's in C and Perl for server statistics analysis,
database creation and maintenance, online shopping, and
server-push animation. Installed and debugged Java Applets.
General customer service via email. Server statistics analysis.
- 1993-1995 Consultant Pacific Rim
Communications. Calgary, AB
- Created the cover illustration for a magazine. Installed httpd
on various machines. Wrote HTML documents, both standard (HTML
2.0) and Netscape enhanced (HTML+), and CGI scripts for various
applications with Perl and C. Used Visual Basic to write a real
estate listing and image dialup database, and a yellow pages
information server.
- 1994-1995 Programmer Side Effects Software
Inc. Toronto, ON
- Used C++ to write modules for a computer animation system,
including motion capture, character animation, and sound
- 1989-1993 Consultant Symbiosis Computer
Services. Calgary, AB
- Worked on a Windows-based image archiving project using Visual
Basic and ObjectVision which included data capture, image
processing and image compression. Created five custom
accounting packages using the Paradox Application Language, and
C with the Faircom database development toolkit.
- 1988 Summer Programmer
Bell-Northern Research Ottawa, ON
Worked on a Macintosh (Plus, SE, II) and an IBM-AT clone to create a
telecommunications specific language preprocessor for a simulated
telephone environment.
- 1988 Winter Programmer
Bell-Northern Research Ottawa, ON
Used XPM PASCAL and the Problem report Library System to resolve
Problem Reports for the XPM Performance Department. All solutions
were tested in a Captive Office environment.
- 1987 Summer Programmer
The Canadian Wheat Board Winnipeg, MB
Wrote a PL/1 application to link separate word processing and
electronic mailing systems. The Atlas Graphics mapping package
was studied for possible applications at the Canadian Wheat
- 1986 Fall Programmer
Shell Canada Limited Calgary, AB
Wrote a VAX BASIC database file format conversion application. The DEC
Command Language was used to produce command files for a code
management system.
- 1986 Winter Co-op Student
Bell-Northern Research Toronto, ON
Maintained the Problem Report database during a testing phase of the
Meridian system.
- Aug 2002 Basic Kumihimo Seminar Assistant
Convergence 2002,
Vancouver, BC
- Two (2) hour introductory seminar to kumihimo on the
kumihimo disc.
- Aug 2002 Advanced Kumihimo Seminar Assistant
Convergence 2002,
Vancouver, BC
- Two (2) hour seminar in advanced kumihimo on the kumihimo
- Jul 2002 All-in-One Kumihimo Workshop Assistant
Convergence 2002,
Vancouver, BC
- Three (3) day workshop in various kumihimo (Japanese
braiding) techniques including the use of maru dai, taka dai,
and kumihimo disc.
- Jul 2002 Kumi Muffler Workshop Assistant
Convergence 2002,
Vancouver, BC
- One (1) day workshop in finger weaving (also known as
turban braiding).
- 1990-1992 Teaching Assistant
University of Calgary
Taught labs and marked assignments for Introduction to Computers for
non-majors, including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and
Pascal programming skills. Introduction to Computer Science,
and Techniques for Numerical Computation.
- 1986-1987 Marker
University of Regina
Marked assignments for Matriculation Geometry and Trigonometry,
Precalculus Mathematics, Introductory Calculus, and Calculus
- 1990-1991 Director
Univ. of Calgary Chinese Student's Society
Maintained most external text correspondence for the Society. Ticket
clerk and crowd control at dances. Part time office manager.
- 1990 Summer Instructor
Shad Valley Program for Gifted Students
Taught basic computer graphics concepts. Supervised the production of
a computer animation.
I am a member of
the International Guild of
Knot Tyers,
the Braid Society,
Greater Vancouver Weavers' and Spinners' Guild,
and the Canadian Women's Internet
Association. I enjoy reading, animation, Chinese knotting, kumihimo, beading, drawing,
martial arts, and figure
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