Carol's Web Consulting Page
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The Net /
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Online Publications /
Business /
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Basic Online Information /
Browsers /
Servers /
Providers /
Local /
Utilities /
Online Culture /
Rating Services /
Other /
Web Consultants /
- Advertising
- Like a yellow pages entry, newspaper or magazine
advertisements, web pages can display images of your product,
promotional material and contact information. Moreover, due to
the nature of the medium, people who are looking at it are
probably looking at it because they are interested. 8)
- Catalogs
- Always up to date, no need to reprint or do more mailings each
time a correction or change is made. The level of interaction
with customers is yours to decide. Phone-in orders, mail in
orders, e-mailed orders, or allow web forms to directly
interface with your order database.
Browsers and viewers process the information on the net and present or
render it into images, text, and sound on your computer.
- Tools - A list of browsers, viewers, and preparation software
- Clients - A list of web clients (ah, jargon! clients are viewers and browsers)
- Adobe Acrobat - Adobe Acrobat is, currently, the only way to ensure that your
web pages appear exactly as you desiged them. All other
browsers "render" the information provided over the net based
on user preferences. Fonts, backgrounds, screen size, whether
or not images appear at all, etc. are all at the user's
- HotJava - A browser and an programming language that greatly extends the
HTML concept. It
currently runs on Solaris and Windows NT machines only.
- Lynx - A text-only browser. Even with no graphics capability at all
you can still surf the net.
- MacWeb - A web browser for the Macintosh
- NetScape - Currently the most popular graphic web browser available. It
can run on just about any platform from Unix boxes to PC's and
Macintoshes. Has some nifty but non-standard
- NCSA Mosaic - Formerly the most popular web graphic browser available. It
can run on just about any platform as well.
- WinWeb - A web browser for Windows
- w3 - The
Emacs World Wide Web Browser. It runs on just about any
platform that emacs does, providing yet another piece of the
integrated operating system that is emacs 8). It is mosaic and
- misc - Platform specific listings of browsers.
Comprehensive sites are those that attempt to catalog every other site
on the internet. Links are categorized and grouped for convenient
Last Modified:Sunday, 09-Jan-2000 06:53:00 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 11:50:39 UTC